Steve Jobs Mundur, Saham Apple Anjlok

Keputusan Steve Jobs untuk mundur dari posisinya sebagai CEO Apple mendapat tanggapan negatif dari pasar. Setelah pengumuman tersebut harga saham Apple, Kamis (25/8) anjlok tajam, dan turut mempengaruhi penurunan indeks berjangka S&P 500. Harga saham Apple membukukan penurunan sebesar 5,1% Continue reading

ICT Claims Scenarios

Technology E&O – “Internet Content” – A health system accidentally posted the medical records of thousands of patients on the Internet. A class action suit was filed for alleged emotional distress of the effected patients.


Loss: The class action seeks damages in excess of $10 million and the federal government has notified the system to prepare for an investigation under HIPAA.

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Coverage for Claims Between the Named Insured and the Additional Insured (Cross Liability in CGL Policy)

Sometimes the Additional Insured misunderstands the nature of coverage bestowed by an Additional Insured endorsement. Sometimes too the insurer misunderstands the separate nature of the coverage provided to the Additional Insured for certain claims. Continue reading